Make her birthday wishes come true with these helpful tips and you can make sure your wishes come true in the bedroom.
First and foremost, if you don’t know when her birthday is, stop reading and go find out….NOW! For the rest of the guys who know that important date, read on to get tips on how to make her feel special and you’ll end up getting that birthday nookie.
Every year you get a chance to celebrate the anniversary of when your girl first came into this world. And every year guys are troubled with the question of what to get her. Questions like, “How can I one-up last year? What did she say she wanted 4 months ago? Should I be getting her something practical or something materialistic?”
Corporations all over the world capitalize on your fears of not knowing what to get by serving you marketing tactics, special deals, and gifts that are must haves. All of those choices will leave you in the state of “option paralysis.”
There are too many options and everything seems like a decent solution, but is there something better out there? You’ll end up waiting and waiting and when her birthday is right around the corner, you’ll have nothing for her. You’ll feel like crap and to top it all off, she might feel unloved. It’ll be a whole mess.
The solution is to clear your mind of all the clutter, figure out what your girl will be happy with, and stick to your decision. Remember, your girlfriend isn’t with you when you think about what to get her. So she doesn’t know all the options you are thinking or will think of. As long as your gift is thoughtful she’ll appreciate whatever you get her.
So to help clear some of the options, most girls appreciate the following guidelines:
Is it obvious that you spent time thinking about her while picking this gift?
Can she brag about it to her friends?
Does this gift compromise her self-image?
Did you think about her and your relationship while choosing this gift?
I heard a story of a guy who gave his girlfriend 5 lb dumbbells for her birthday because she said, “I want some dumbbells,” 2 months ago. His thought process probably went like this: “I need a gift to get her. She said she wanted weight equipment, but is there something else I can get her? There was an advertisement for gym membership, or maybe I should get her a medicine ball instead…,”
Two months later he’ll probably end up just settling for the weights because he was stuck with too many options. Yes, he got her something she wanted, but he didn’t spend time to think about what’ll make her happy.
Because of the plethora of options, he wasted his time thinking what would be better. When the time came, the gift he chose didn’t really make her feel special because it wasn’t obvious he spent time thinking about her.
Better thoughts for him would be like: “My girlfriend wanted weights, so maybe she wants to be healthier. For her birthday, maybe we can go on a romantic hike together and promote a healthier lifestyle. I’ll even make some homemade treats so we can share it on the hike. I have a good plan so I’m going to stick with it and not think about other options. I’ll get her those dumbbells some other time, but for her birthday, she’ll want something special.”
If you want to get your girlfriend a great gift, spend some time thinking what would make her happy. Don’t get caught up in option paralysis and end up getting something that’ll leave you in the dog house.
Is this present something she can Instagram to her friends?
Girls love to brag. Maybe “bragging” is a bad way to put it, but girls love to share their experiences with their friends and show them she’s having a great time. Some girls might be showing off, but for the most part they just want to display their happiness on some social platform. If a guy is caught up with too many options and doesn’t act, then she’ll have nothing to post on her Instagram for her birthday.
Touching back to the previous example of our failed guy, his girlfriend can’t really show her friends, “Hey girls, look what the bf gave me. 5lb weights! xoxox” It’s not about being materialistic, but more about being socially expressive. She wants to share with her friends that her boyfriend is treating her well and she’s happy on her birthday. Dumbbells won’t do the trick.
The guy had a million options to pick for her birthday. He knew that she likes to post things on social media, so giving her something lackluster was a bad choice. However, posting about a fun, romantic hike on Instagram shows everyone that she has a man who took the time to treat her right.
Does this gift make her feel uneasy about herself?

Best gift to give her if she is a Doctor specializing in emphysema or if you want her to break up with your psycho ass.
All gifts come with subtle nuances and being aware of those will help you avoid more options. Every girl has a perception of who they are and a level of self respect. If their boyfriend gives her something that’ll question her image in a negative way, then she’ll wonder what he and everyone thinks of her.
Once again our dumbbell example. When his girlfriend opens that gift, what would be her first thoughts? “Is he telling me I’m fat? Am I worth just 2 dumbbells to him?” As you can see, the ended up making his girlfriend question their image.
Some other poor gift examples include getting her:
- Something expensive because it might make her feel materialistic if she’s a “down-to-earth” type
- Something cheap because it can possibly instills ideas that she is a low quality gal to get low quality gifts
- Something too practical because it means there’s no love or emotion tied to the gift so there’s no love left in the relationship
Instead of getting her something that’ll possibly make her feel awkward, give her something that’ll make her feel loved. Make sure once you pick something, stick with the plan. Here are some great gift ideas:
- Artsy Girlfriend: get her tickets to see a play or do an art piece together
- Beer Lover Girlfriend: visit a brewery with all of her friends or buy a beer kit to make some brewskis in your bathroom with her
- Finer Things in Life Girlfriend: wine and cheese from Italy or take her to a fancy restaurant with a chef’s table
- Practical Girlfriend: do her chores to give her free time to relax or make an herb garden together so she can save on going to the store
- Long Distance Girlfriend: a trip to meet halfway or deliver a teddy bear with your cologne sprayed on it.
There will always be better options for gifts, but spending time being caught up in the choices will take valuable time away from you. If you have two great options, choose one and save the other for her half birthday. No one expects a half birthday. As long as you spend a little effort in thinking of a gift and sticking to your plan, then it’ll make your life and relationship better.
Check out more of my ideas and my dating podcast at
Written by Van Azn