Amped Asia

Vivian Chau Flaunts Her Bikini Bod in Miami

[V]ivian Chau is one extremely hot babe from Miami. This model has been on our radar for a long time, and while we unfortunately couldn’t shoot her in-house, we got some very sexy photos from some of her photographers. Photos are by Troy Huynh (@troyhuynhv2) and Megane Claire (@meganeclaire).

How did you start modeling and why did you do it?

I kind of fell into modeling! I started when I was 17 for fun and never thought too much of it until I started booking gigs and gained momentum. It has been a blessing! I got to travel and was afforded opportunities I’d never get without modeling.

Do you have a day job? How do you pay the bills?

I’m a full time pharmacy graduate student so I stay pretty busy. I also model, photograph, and do makeup as well so I balance it all as work!

What is something that very few people know about you?

I follow this famous pig religiously haha look up @estherthewonderpig. Funniest pig on Instagram!

If you want to have a crazy night, what would you do?

I live in Miami, every night can be crazy!

If laws didn’t exist for one day, what would you do?

Go into Cheesecake Factory and eat all their cake; then leave without paying.

If you had $10,000 to spend right now, what would you buy?

A plane ticket and book a holiday for a month!

What car do you think is the sexiest?

There’s this purple RSX I’ve had my eye on. My image is even on the valve cover ;)

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Which girl could turn you into a lesbian?

Lilly Ghalichi, hands down.

Are you single or taken?


Why is he the right guy for you?

He’s my best friend through everything. He’s extremely supportive of all my ventures and makes me laugh every single day.

What do you think guys are doing wrong in terms of dating?

Chivalry is not dead! Open doors, pay for the first date, buy a girl flowers! Being a gentlemen goes a very long way. Also, call instead of text.

What’s more important in a relationship? Good sex or good conversation.

Good conversation during great sex?

Where can we find you online?

Instagram: @vchau

Written by Editorial Staff