Top 7 Vietnamese Vixens of Porn

These are some of the hottest Vietnamese Vixens of Porn. Read on to find out more!

[T]he porn industry is home to some of the most beautiful and diverse women on the planet. Look hard enough and you are bound to find what you are looking for, but seriously don’t look too hard because there is a lot of gross and weird shit out there on the interwebs. One thing we found were the hottest Vietnamese Vixens of porn. Here’s our list!

7) Bamboo

The star of Coedcocksuckers, Dirty Dancers 17, and featured performer at the website Sexunderwater, Bamboo has not exactly been the biggest name in porn but has always provided a consistent career delighting fans with her porn prowess. And if you are at work and don’t want to get fired googling a website called sexunderwater then let us elaborate. Yes sexunderwater exactly what it sounds like, it is website dedicated to sex..under of Bamboo’s unique skills.

We are also disgusted at what we found in her browser history.


Bamboo in the boudoir.


Not sure if that guy is more embarrassed that he is caught doing a porn or wearing those jeans.

As long as she isn’t reading Family Circus she can stay on our bed.


Bamboo isn’t the only wood going on.

Written by Editorial Staff

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