Top 10 Sexiest Legs from Asia

2) G.NA

She’s known more for her pretty amazing boobs, but G.NA has a really nice pair of legs as well. This Korean pop star is actually Canadian, but she’s now based out of South Korea. She’s done several really great photo shoots that show off her legs so check out the pictures below.

gna3 tumblr_inline_mybm3lojuM1rye9ij KindheartedScaredAnnelid AsE G.NA (5) G.NA-CeCi_Jul2014_02 GNA-NYLON-Apr2014HQ_02 tumblr_lfoucxCk2C1qcce6to1_1280 tumblrliwr5qhmqf1qcce6t-682x1024 GNA-Hyades-Paris-2 zsveA8wyBFDUaiDM5syM6BfCGqg

Written by Editorial Staff

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