Our throwback Thursday hottie is the titillating Tia Carrere. Read on to find out more about the gorgeous woman that makes us still go SCHWWWIIING!
[F]or some of our younger readers our next subject might not be that familiar, which is why we shake our old fists at you young whipper snappers!
But that’s OK, in the spirit of throwback Thursday we are going to school you on one of the original Asian hotties that is still looking fine even today: Tia Carrere!
Tia Carrere for those of you that don’t already know, is a Filipino born actress from Honolulu Hawaii who has been named by People Magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in 1992.
She starred in some of the biggest films in the 1990’s including starring roles in Wayne’s World, Wayne’s World 2, and True Lies.
Outside of the big screen Tia Carrere starred in the T.V. cult hit Relic Hunter for three seasons, appeared on Dancing With the Stars, and even had the top selling Playboy Magazine in 2003 with her nude spread.
Did we mention she is also a TWO time Grammy award winning artist? She won her first Grammy in 2009 for her third album ‘Ikena and another in 2011 for her album Huana Ke Aloha. Both albums showcased Carrere’s Hawaiian heritage with music featuring the slack key guitar, ukulele, and contributions by SIX time Grammy award winner Daniel Ho, a fellow Hawaii musician.
The film, T.V. and music veteran is still going strong today and is set to appear on the reboot of Hawaii Five-O later this season. But even with her busy schedule the star of Wayne’s World is still making us go SCHWWWWING even almost 20 years later. Rock on Tia!
Written by Editorial Staff