Amped Asia

The Wonderful Cosplay of WonderCon 2015

WonderCon wrapped up recently and we have the coverage of the coolest cosplay during the event. Read on to find out more.

[F]or over fifteen years WonderCon has been the comic book, sci-fi, and fan convention mecca in Northern California every nerd had to go to. Originally named the Wonderful World of Comics Convention, WonderCon rebranded itself in 2012 when it brokered a deal with the management team behind San Diego Comic Con mainstream success. Now known as WonderCon, the convention moved its event location from San Francisco to Anaheim, California and has become a staple for fans to gather and geek out. The event recently wrapped up and we have a gallery of some of the best Cosplay of the event. Stare and behold the wonder that is WonderCon!

Double the pleasure double the fun. This is what a Doublemint commercial should look like.

Jubilee or an interesting take on the man in the yellow hat from Curious George… sans hat?

This is one truly outrageous cosplay there Gem.

Honestly this is a pretty badass gender reversal on Bulma and Trunks, but why are her balls so much bigger than his?

She is making us go Bebop in our pants.

X-2 and Renaissance fair variant Rogue?

Sleeping Beauty meets the Hunger Games?

We would let her Dark Stalk us anytime!

Is it just us or do we see a near Powergirl Nip slip?


Big Hero Six, or Big Hero SEEEEXY?

We wonder if he bought the dog just so he could cosplay as Cowboy Bebop?

Attack on Titan looking good!

Some impressive DBZ cosplay or he is doing a really good job doing the second half of the Thriller dance.

You could lock us in Arkham as long as you want if we can share a cell with these two.

Pretty freakin impressive.

We all know what that kid is taking a look at. Well done bro.

Reminds us of Dean Cain version of Supes instead of the new 52.


They should make an Asian Hawkeye and no that weird stint as Ronin doesn’t count.

New Pakistani Ms. Marvel REEEPREEEESEEENT!

Like seriously we thought this was photoshopped, amaaaazing!

We really find whatever that purple thing that girl is holding as a poor choice of props….

Those bows need to be unwrapped!

The Punisher with his trusty novelty T-shirt cannon.

Walking Dead cosplay? NAIIILED IT!

During lunch her hair accessories double as real life chopsticks. Functional Cosplay FTW!

The Hipster X-Men you are not cool enough to know about.

Big Hero Six made the rounds at WonderCon as you can clearly see.

Teen Titans GOOOOOoooOOO!

Man we need to start dressing up like Cowboy Bebop…

Dat hair though.

X-2 right before she is about to shank the guy giving her sideeye behind her.

The new 52 Supergirl finally has proven to be a good thing.

Happy to see someone out there is still doing the Bartman.


We are including this because we have had Purple Rain stuck in our heads for like a week now.



Written by Editorial Staff

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