The 7 Wackiest Sexual Things to Come out of Japan

Many think Japan is the land of the weird. It is. Furthermore it’s also the land of the sexually perverse.

The Japanese love to be freaky, and we love them for it. The Japanese truly get weird with their porn and fetishes, but if you think about it, the stuff they make is almost ingenious. Every other dark alley has some kind of weird porn thing or another. Akihabara has tons of little hole in the wall spots with hentai shops and used panty vending machines.

After a recent trip over there, I wanted to examine some of the interesting phenomena that I saw over there. Here’s a countdown of the 7 wackiest things that came out of Japan.

1) 500 Person Orgy


So the previous world record of 499 people in an orgy wasn’t enough. So Japan decided to one-up that record by producing a 500 person orgy. And of course, being the smart businessmen they are, the producers released a DVD that you can purchase. But does anyone else think 500 people is too much? I mean in my pornos I like to get more in-depth info about each girl, and I just don’t see the character development in this one being good enough to satisfy my tastes.

2) Extremely Realistic Sex Dolls


Of course, leave it to the Japanese to create sex dolls that are as realistic as you can get. And then leave it to them to make the sex dolls look like they’re barely legal. Yes sir, Japanese guys know how to work out their fetishes. The problem is now there are too many Japanese guys trying to just have sex with these dolls and not with real women. It’s also gotten to the point where guys are trying to get married to these dolls.

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Written by Editorial Staff

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