Tag: Anime

Why Does Goku’s Hair Turn Blond When He Goes Super Saiyan

As a child, I have always loved Dragon Ball. Probably one of my favorite moments in anime is still this:

There’s A Live Action Play Of Inuyasha

Yes, there is a live action version of the beloved Manga/Anime Series Inuyasha. Sadly the only location that the stage

Yesterday Japan Lost A Major Landmark… Goodbye Giant Gundam In Odaiba

On March 5th, DiverCity Tokyo Plaza removed a major Japanese Landmark; Amuro Ray’s RX-78 – also known as the original

Adult (Anime) Virtual Reality – The Future Just Came

If some unemployed punk in New Jersey, can get a cassette to make love to Elle McPherson for $19.95, this

Chrystelle Audette is a Cosplaying Hottie

Dress up isn’t just for kids anymore, especially when it is with the sexy Chrystelle Audette the Cosplaying Hottie.  [C]hrystelle

Oculus Rift Virtual Sex

New Tech Allows You To Have REAL Sex in Virtual Reality

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could have virtual sex any time you want? Recently a YouTube video came out