Amped Asia

Sexy Sunday Selfies

We all love lazy Sundays, so sit back, relax, and take a gander at some of the sexiest selfies the interwebz has to offer. 

[B]runo Mars said it best:

“Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
‘Cause today I swear I’m not doing anything”

And on the day of rest we here at Amped Asia like to have ourselves a good old fashion lazy Sunday. Relax, unwind, and chill out before the beginning of the work week with these sexy selfies. However if you are going to do like Bruno and throw your hand down your pants or meet a nice girl and have some nice sex please warn us first so we can leave the room, but if you do end up doing some P90X please let us know!

Her shirt must be from the Right Said Fred mesh t-shirt fashion line. Exquisite.

We too are biting our tongues to keep from saying the stuff this pic is making us feel.

Sexy sour face or eyelash glue too strong. You tell us.

These type of angles is what the internet was made for.


We just Tuxedo Masked in our pants.

That trash can is doing one creepy ass photobomb if you ask us.

If our flight attendants looked more like this we wouldn’t complain about the security checks at the airports as much.

Brooooklyn STAND UP!

Zebra striped sheets… we like.

As Uncle Sam might say about this patriotic selfie: “WE WANT YOU!!!”

Has this been photoshopped? Looks like it. Do we care? No.

This reminds us that Summer is 60 days away and counting…

We are more of a Batman crowd around the Amped Asia offices, but we are starting to see why being a fan of the Man of Steel has its merits.

This R2-D2 has a sexy Asian girl in it, the original had noted English actor Kenny Baker in it. My how far we have come since then.

The Inception Selfie: A photo within a photo during a photoshoot.

The sexiest way to pose in front of nondescript tubes of ambiguous creams we did ever see.

That girl on the left in red nailed the pose.

Some one inform Robin Thicke that his pants have indeed been stolen and now made into jhorts.

Yin and Yang of bikini perfection

We don’t mean to sound anal, but plese take your shoes off when you enter our house.

Inception Selfie #2: Selfie Sunday taken with a phone that says Sunday.


Glad that we are not the only one looking.

Now back to what we normally do on a lazy Sunday.


Written by Editorial Staff