These beautiful women are a cut above the rest. Check out this hot gallery of Asian Girls with Swords. Read on to find out more.
[A]mped Asia is constantly bringing you the cutting edge on all things cool, sexy, and awesome pertaining to pop culture. We present to you our selection of some of the sexiest Asian girls with swords photo gallery!
Some laughed at her when she got a tattoo to match the sword she bought off ebay. But who’s laughing now?!
How the girl receiving thought that making a sexy face while a giant anime sword is going up her butt is anyone’s guess.
Stop! Not because of the sword, but because she just ate $20 worth of Taco Bell. You don’t want to be in the line of fire when those pleather pants blow.
Either she used the wrong knife again to put raspberry jam on her toast or we need to call the cops.
She definitely got the most out of her Mall Glamour Shots. Hopefully she can get this pic airbrushed onto a t-shirt. That would be so classy.
How we like to remember her. Before the terrible reality shows, music career, and antisemitism she enjoyed the simpler things like posing topless with swords.
Either Zhang Ziyi is starring in another movie or she is about to attend a No Doubt concert is a really big fan of 1990’s era Gwen Stefani.
Written by Editorial Staff