Amped Asia

Ramen Baths Are The Newest Craze In Japan

If you thought the ramen burger was a crazy idea, check out what this one restaurant in Japan is doing with ramen!

As we have well documented in the past, ramen is quickly becoming one of the most popular food trends among foodies. However as popular as it is becoming outside of Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun is still the de facto innovator of our favorite bowl of delicious noodles.

Take for instance the new trend taking Japan by storm: RAMEN BATHS!

I don’t know how they are going to do separate checks for this table…

The Yunessan Spa House in Hakone is now offering customers the opportunity to bath in a tub of synthetic noodles and collagen filled pork broth. However this dip in the ramen pool is not meant to be an eating experience.

Instead the ramen bathers are believed to achieve better skin that is both younger and suppler after a session in the pool thanks to the exposure of high amounts of collagen.

If you thought swallowing public pool water was bad…

Whether or not this is true is up for debate. However we hope there are life guards on duty otherwise the day that someone drowns in a ramen pool will be one of the worst/most hilarious noodle related occurrence ever.



Written by Editorial Staff