At an urgent care clinic in Canada, a woman caused a commotion, demanding a doctor who was “White”, “doesn’t have brown teeth”, and “speaks English”.
She refused to see any other doctors of ethnic background. A patient, Hitesh Bhardwaj, was waiting for his appointment at Rapid Access to Medical Specialists in Mississauga, Ontario; he started recording the incident and the video has gone viral.
The woman is aggressive and upset that there are no “White doctors” available:
The woman began rampaging:
“I saw a doctor that was not White that did not help my kid. I would like to see a White doctor. You’re telling me there isn’t one White doctor in this whole entire building?”
Bhardwaj explained to CBC about his experience witnessing this situation:
“I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The whole episode kept on repeating in my head, I was very upset. You know I can’t even define the feeling.”
Witnesses began to confront the woman, which escalated the problem.
“Your child clearly has more issues with you being his mother than him needing to see a doctor. You are extremely rude and racist,” said one witness.
The woman felt victimized and started accusing the witness for “attacking [her] because [she’s] White.”
This situation was reported to the police as a “disturbance” and then they arrived after 12:30 P.M. A doctor treated the woman’s son and no charges have been pressed.
(Source: NextShark)
Written by Jenn