OH MAI! 25 Most CLEAVAGE REVEALING Mai Shiranui Cosplays!

We have 25 sexy cosplay pics of the Queen of SNK Mai Shiranui! 

[A]lthough Chun-Li often tops the list for video game cosplay fans, you would be making an epic mistake if you didn’t consider Mai Shiranui a top contender for the numero uno spot on that list.

The sex symbol of SNK and star of the King of Fighters/Fatal Fury series, Mai Shiranui is one of the craziest cosplays to pull off, attempted by only some of the sexiest and most daring of cosplayers. Don’t believe use? Take a look at these 25 pics and see for yourself!


She asked us to play leap frog. We like were this is going.


After losing the King of Fighters Mai found work as an Elevator Operator.


Clearly she won the office Halloween costume contest.


We offered to stitch pockets into her costume but she decided she could put her accessories elsewhere.


Kudos to this cosplayer for making Mai’s sideboob just as revealing as the front cleavage.

Written by Editorial Staff

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