The Japanese are up to it again, this time with a trick to make your boobs bigger simply with a ribbon. Wanna find out more? Read on to see how!
There are no shortage of claims out there that promise to make a women’s breasts larger. However these promises normally turn out to be a big bust, and not in the way most of the rubes that get tricked into these schemes had intended.
Sure you can have a Thai woman slap them or even have a fake anime prosthetic attached, but why spend all that unnecessary time, money, and effort when a simple ribbon could do the trick?
A new trend in Japan is happening and it involves women using a ribbon or string to make their breasts appear larger. Before you jump to conclusions it is not some sort of odd throwback Chinese foot binding misogyny. I mean yes, it is still a practice that is rife with gender, sexuality, and body image issues abound, but admittedly this craft work/DIY/clothing hack is kind of genius.
We live in a world of Iphones, The Hardon Collider, and Tesla cars. Yet the Japanese are inventing ways to make boobs bigger with a string, go figure.
The crafty women of Japan have started a practice in which you tie a ribbon or string directly under your breasts and around your ribcage then tie it around your arms and back so as to create a make shift push up bra.
These mammary MacGuyvers apparently drew inspiration for this technique from Hestia, not the Greek goddess of the hearth and architecture mind you but the anime character. But come on this is Japan did you expect anything less?
Because if it worked for a fictional cartoon character OF COURSE it will work in real life! LOGIC FOR THE WIN!
The practice seems rather cumbersome and most likely impractical for full range of motion. Admittedly we have not tried the practice yet ourselves, but many users are demonstrating that although the arms are tied the connection to the arms works almost like a mammary marionette. As the arms are lifted the ribbon is then pulled higher and thus the boobs are pronounced even more.
Whatever the case may be in terms of comfort, practicality, or simply healthy body image issues, this new trend seems to be popular among ladies looking for heftier cleavage in Japan. Which in the big picture is much better than unnecessary and risky surgery. So there you have it, if you want to make your boobs bigger and don’t mind losing some circulation, skip the saline, skip the silicone, just go straight to Hobby Lobby and get yourself some ribbon.
Art imitating life, life imitating art. Who knew cosplay could be this deep. We mean in terms of social observations and not her cleavage.
Why are all the strings blue? To match the blue skin pigments due to a lack of circulation when you have this tied on you?
To be fair when taking in cosplay in a social observation context, there is way to much weird stuff going on in cosplay to nitpick that a string is being used to lift up some boobs.
Oh good a thorough diagnostic of how a string tied around your boobs make them look bigger schematic. Only you Japan, only you!
Written by Editorial Staff