Feeling like your body needs a tune up? Come see these 25 naughty Asian Nurses to cure what ails ya!
[D]octors get all the glory but let’s all be honest, it is the unsung heroes found in nurses that truly help a patient heal up. So today we take a look at some naughty nurses that help us when we feel hot and bothered!

She can inject us if we can inject her.

We love going to this clinic not just for the nurses but the calming atmosphere. What other clinic has shag carpet and tiny pic guitars? You tell us!

Not sure if our HMO covers this, not sure if we care.

Casual Fridays just got a whole not more interesting down at the hospital.

Candy stripers never looked this good.

We would watch Grey’s Anatomy if it were more like this.

It’s like a nurse from a Luc Besson film.

With a needle that size we really hope it is not a shot to the ass.

We have two big reasons why we love going to this hospital: AMPLE parking and fantastic wait times.

The perfect uniform for the sperm donor section of the hospital.
Written by Editorial Staff