Either she is about to shoot laser beams at us ala Cyclops or she is revealing that her secret identity is in fact not Clark Kent but rather Superman. That is at least, what we are telling ourselves in our nerd fantasy.

After contemplating complex mathematical equations all day, it appears by her face that now this student is contemplating whether or not she is gonna have to choke a bitch ala Wayne Brady.

If she slightly turns her hand another 90 degrees downwards, this pic takes on a whole new connotation.

Trust us, if we glance over at her desk while taking a test, we are definitely not just trying to sneak a peek at her answers. BEEEELIEVE DAT!

Don’t let that winning smile fool you, she just pulled the spine out of a mouse Mortal Kombat style as scene in her right hand and will do the same to you if you step out of line.
Written by Editorial Staff