Gorgeous Girls in Qipaos

Chinese New Year is this week, which means parties, festivals, and hot Asian Girls in Qipaos! Read on to find out more! 

[T]here is some debate of  the origins of the Chinese qipao (pronounced ch’i-p’ao) whether it came from the Manchu ruling Qing Dynasty, was an offshoot of Western fashion influence during China’s Republican period, or  simply a tight fitting dress made fashionable by Chinese socialites and upper class women in 1920’s Shanghai.

Either way the dress for better or worse has become a synonymous symbol of Chinese feminine beauty, a mix of modern fashion with ancient tradition. So much so it is not uncommon to see this dress donned by women of all ages throughout Chinese New Year, and by various Asian cultures during their versions of the Lunar New Year. So following tradition we are going to ring in the Chinese New Year of the Sheep with a gallery of gorgeous Asian women in qipaos!


There is so much random stuff going on in this pic, from the random poetry to odd photoshop distortion, we are not fully sure if that thing in the upper right hand corner is a cherry blossom or her brains being shot out.


Someone skipped leg day…


The America’s Next Top Model “Sit Awkwardly in Front of Concrete” Challenge.

cheongsam (11)

That Jack Daniels is doing a hell of a photobomb right now


If the Giraffe ever makes it into the Chinese Zodiac.. she will be ready.


Pretty daring to wear an all white qipao during Chinese New Year when she knows full well they are going to serve char siu.


Someone should have used Tide Detergent to keep their colors from running…


Squatting awkwardly in front of a grey brick wall? Yea this doesn’t seem shady at all…


Is it me or does she look like an Asian Chloe Sevigny?


This looks like the beginning of a pre-industrial China Tampax commercial. “Tackle the day and the proletariat with new Tampax ULTRA ABSORBENT!

Written by Editorial Staff

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