These wonderful Wonder Woman cosplayers can tie us up with their lassos ANYTIME!
Although we love their poppy ballads and infectious dance tunes, FORGET THE WONDER GIRLZ! We want some Wonder Women! And this gallery of Asian babes taking on the mantle of comicbookdom’s numero uno super heroine is just what we needed.
Enjoy this gallery of 16 Wonderful Wonder Woman cosplayers!

A minimalist approach to Wonder Woman if we do say so.

The costume may have been photoshopped on but this is still pretty accurate.

Wonder Woman, Princess of Themyscira, Queen of the Asian Squat.

Obligatory Olivia Munn Cosplay pic: COMPLETE!

That is quite the belt buckle you have their Diana.

No Pants? NO PROBLEM! This is the type of convention rules we love.

Possibly the beginning to the best fan fiction EVER!

Is it just us, or does Superman look like Lou Diamond Philips?

You’ve done it again Yaya!

Blurry but still cute none the less.

Did not know Themyscira had Victoria’s Secret…

Robin’s photobomb is incredible.

If arts and crafts class was more like this we would have been more involved.

We should be saluting you.

FACTOID: This is a picture of the Philippines knockoff Wonder Woman DARNA.

Close up and gorgeous.
Written by Editorial Staff