Now this is something you don’t hear about everyday in the K-pop community.
Seo Ji Soo from the new K-pop band “Lovelyz” has recently been accused of a number of sexual crimes. If they’re true, she’s quite the sexual deviant.
The accusations say that Seo Ji Soo…
1. Fantasized about raping other Korean idols.
In South Korea the Korean teens love sexually role playing as celebrities on SNS apps like Kakao Story. Around 2012, she was accused of pretending to be a INFINITE/EXO members, and that she said sexual things like “I want to rape (member) Do Kyung Soo”, “I wonder what color ***’s dick is”, “I want to sleep with L”, “I want to rape Kyungsoo till he bleeds”.
For such a conservative country, Korean teens seem to start sexual fantasies pretty early.
2. Is bi-sexual or lesbian and had an ex-girlfriend that she raped and took naked pictures of without her consent.
She raped a girlfriend of hers and took pictures of her girlfriend naked to show to her other friends. She also outed one of her ex-girlfriends on her college’s homepage.
Her ex-girlfriend wrote: “The reason I’m posting this is because I dated her in 2011, and we broke up because of internal issues. We started dating again in 2012 until I found out that she had spread pictures of my body.”
“She took a hidden camera video of us having sex and spread it to the company that I was working for. Rumors of me being a slut began spreading even though I was simply making love to someone I had loved. The video was taken without me knowing. Now I am scared of dating anyone and for a while I couldn’t even leave my house. I quit working for my company and lied to my parents. I even tried to commit suicide. The only thing that I want now is for Ji Soo to not be happy. I don’t want her being forgiven for all of her crimes with her debut after ruining someone else’s life. I am including pictures that Seo Ji Soo personally sent me of pictures inside her company.”

“This is a selca that Seo Jisoo sent me herself. You can search anywhere on the internet and you won’t find it anywhere else.”
The photos themselves don’t really prove Seo Ji Soo of any wrong doing, but they do prove that the girl that’s accusing her is either was actually an ex of Seo Ji Soo, or is somehow a very talented hacker (Maybe the same guy from the “Fappening.”)
More from the ex-girlfriend:
“Even as I write this post, I’m still terrified of everything that’s happened but I know that I’ll feel so sorry for myself and regret it if I let this be buried. Maybe you (referring to Ji Soo) were able to act so easily because you knew none of this would get out in the world since you were dating a girl.
We were lovers and she always asked me for sex and to take pictures of the act. Whenever I said I did not want to, she’d get mad at me and accuse me of not loving her and verbally abuse me sexually (she’d say things like “I’ll fuck you with your legs spread open prettily, you know you want it”). When I asked to break up, she told her friends and invited me into a group chat with them. In a chat room with no one on my side, they’d talk down about my looks and she’d tell in explicit detail about our sex life, embarrassing me to no end.
If there had only been an apology, and if she had only kept the issue between me and her, I could’ve kept quiet and never revealed all of this to the world. But like always, she’d use her friends to message me, telling them to tell me that she’s sorry and that I should forgive her. She’d then threaten to sue me if I posted anything about this. She kept telling me that we used to be good together, asking me to protect her.
I’m so angered. I read posts accusing other victims of there being a lack of evidence. I understand that this is all terrifying and hard to believe. But to ask me of proof of sexual harassment? I am living proof of it. I’m sorry that I couldn’t come forward earlier because of legal threats. As always, the final judgment will be left to you but here’s proof of shipping of the boxes we had delivered to each other while we were still dating.”
3. She only wanted to join Woolim Entertainment so she could have sex with members of INFINITE, a boy band.
Soompi first reported the news about her alleged desire to make love to all the members of the band.
According to her management company, Woolim Entertainment, they will investigate the matter and that they believe all the rumors to be vicious lies. To be honest, it seems a little too detailed to be false. Even though the accusations are crazy, they seem like they come from a legit source.
Here’s Lovelyz first music video, just for shits and giggles.
What do you think? Is this girl just a deranged psycho? Or are these just vicious rumors?
Sources: AllKpop
Written by Larry Vo