A Chinese man desperate for love turns to an agency to find him a wife. After spending $1.1 million was he successful? Read on to find out more.
We often think that money can solve any problem. Surely with millions of dollars at one’s disposal it must be easy to be happy and find that perfect someone. Or at least a sugar baby…
But for one Chinese businessman no amount of money it seems was able to find him a wife.
This isn’t Zhang, but we are pretty sure this is how he felt about the paying $1.1 million and still not finding a bride.
A “Mr. Zhang,” as he is simply known is a wealthy Mainland Chinese businessman who sought out the services of a Shanghai agency to find him his perfect bride.
In Mr. Zhang’s case this was a woman between the ages of 20-28 years old, 5’4 ft. to 5’8 ft. tall, and possessed the attributes of being “pure and sweet.”
The agency began a massive 5 year search throughout China. National ads were placed in newspapers, T.V., magazines and online. The agency even held national auditions and interviews across the country.
But after the 5 year search only 8 women were found to be “suitable” mates for the Mr. Zhang.
Mr. Zhang was understandably unsatisfied with the results. After spending over 7 million RMB ($1.1 million) for the agency’s services, Mr. Zhang demanded a refund which the Shanghai based agency refused. Eventually leading to a drawn out lawsuit which initially ruled that Mr. Zhang would receive only 1.3 million RMB back or roughly $210,000. Zhang would appeal the ruling and eventually was awarded $660,000 back.
Unfortunately for Mr. Zhang this story just goes to prove, money can’t buy you everything, especially love.
Written by Editorial Staff