Cover Model Vickibaybeee Has a Body (and Boobs) You Won’t Believe… March 2015


Another month of 2015 has rolled by. It’s hard to believe that the year is already ONE FOURTH over. (Time flies by quick…)

As usual we have tons of hot women in this issue, starting with our cover model, Vicki Li, aka Vickibaybeee.  She’s been one of the most popular girls in the import modeling scene for a while, and it all started with her posting up cute selfies on Instagram.

Jeri Lee invited us to her latest “Pastease” show, where her gorgeous ladies got on stage to strut their stuff. One of her ladies was featured in this issue of Amped Asia — Jacqueline Pahl Winston.

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We also interviewed a really interesting girl named AsianKittty who sells her panties online. It’s always interesting to learn about these alternative businesses and the girls who run them. I think you’ll like to hear about the ins and outs of this interesting business.

Over the past few months we’ve been working with some people to make our own streetwear brand just for Amped Asia. We wanted a streetwear brand with international appeal and one that encompassed a lot of our ideals. That brand became AZA, which stands for Always Zero Apologies. We got some of our hottest babes to shoot for the t-shirt, which you can check out on page 20.

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Another really cool thing we’re doing right now is hosting weekly parties in partnership with VS Nightlife. We currently throw the BIGGEST Asian American party on the West Coast (Los Angeles), and our opening weekends averaged over 1000+ party people. For more information on that, please email me — — and I’ll get you hooked up for our next party.

As always, the digital version of the magazine has play buttons spread throughout so you can watch videos.

I’ll keep this letter short so I don’t bore you. Just start reading!

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Written by Editorial Staff