Class Is In Session: Sexy Asian School Girls


We don’t care how hard you are studying there is no excuse for the living room looking a mess, your thong hanging out, and worst of all having your shoes on the furniture…AGAIN!


No sure who has bigger headlights her or the car behind her.


Quite a lot of blank space.


There is definitely a discrepancy of sweater vs. skirt length at this private school’s uniform protocol.


Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night, BLIIINDED BY THE LIGHT!- we are seriously dating ourselves with this Manfred Mann/Springstein reference


No matter how much you pout we are not writing you a note to get out of homeroom again.


Some would say the shag carpet ties the room together, we would argue it is what is currently ON the carpet that ties the room together.


If you need something to pull instead of your hair or shirt we can give you some ideas.


Donald Duck had a similar outfit. We are also big fans of his work.


Either most of these girls do not know how to buy the right sizes or there is school girl outfit making company that is seriously cutting a lot of corners.

Written by Editorial Staff

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