Who will be China’s 2015 Armpit Hair Competition champion? Read on to find out more!
As China has become increasingly open to Western influences they have adopted many of the West’s ideals of beauty for better or for worse.
And since beauty is always in the eye of the beholder who are we or anyone for that matter to tell a culture what is beautiful and what is not?
Which is the purpose of the 2015 Armpit Hair Competition created by the feminist activist Xaio Yue in Mainland China.
Xaio Yue created the #WomensArmpitHairCompetition hashtag as a way to rebel against the Western view that armpit hair is unattractive and thus needs to be shaved.
Smooth as silk armpits may be commonplace for much of the Western world, especially if you are not French.Since the early 1900’s razor companies began an advertising campaign popularizing shaven armpits for females as the en vogue hygiene technique.
What most likely began as a way to boost razor sales among the largely untapped female market by manipulating ideas of health and beauty, shaving armpits ended up as a longstanding practice among females in the West.
But in Asia, specifically China, the practice is less common place. In fact up until only the 1990’s the practice of shaving one’s armpit in the Middle Kingdom towed an old school line. It generally wasn’t done.
Which makes sense. Up until the 1990’s, the infamously closed off Red China had little access to and from Western influence and were more concerned about social, economic, and political growth as opposed to the hair growing under the female population’s arms.
Women across the land rocked the “Chewbacca in a headlock” look and gave zero F’s. However nowadays many women are going for the smooth look enthusiastically, while others are vehemently opposing the idea of society dictating what is acceptable or not.
There is a Han Chinese, Han Solo, and Chewbacca joke somewhere here but we can’t seem to figure it out just yet.
Which brings us back to Yue, who is a growing minority that feels armpit hair is a personal chose and should not be infringed upon by others. Many proponents of the hairy armpit look believe it is in many ways a form of body shaming. Whether or not this is the case at the end of the day, people have the choice to do whatever they want with their armpit hair.
But if having a full pit of hair is your thing feel free to enter China’s 2015 Armpit Hair Competition. So far under 100 people have entered, sending in pics of them and their under arm follicles. The photos will be judged on beauty, confidence and originality. Winners get prizes that include vibrators, condoms, and female urination devices. So what are you waiting for ladies?!
One thing we would like to point out, is it just us, or does anyone else find it ironic that an armpit hair competition set up to rebel against forced standards of beauty is having a contest in which one of the winning criteria is beauty?
We encourage all females to embrace their bodies and do whatever makes them the happiest and most comfortable…
However if you do decide to leave it hairy, which is fine, please just warn us before looking for a partner to practice wrestling headlocks. THANKS IN ADVANCE!
Written by Editorial Staff