We loved to be titillated especially if it is by the gorgeous Jennifer Tilly. Read on to find out more!
[A]t first glance Jennifer Tilly’s ample assets is what draws most men’s eye. However you would be mistaken if you think that is all Jennifer Tilly is about behind that poker face.
Jennifer Tilly was born in Los Angeles, California to a Chinese father and Irish mother. When her parents divorced Tilly spent most of her childhood growing up in Canada until she came back to the states to pursue a career in acting.
That’s when things took off for Tilly. She began by making appearances in hit shows such as Cheers and Hill Street Blues before receiving acclaim for her Oscar nominated role in Woody Allen’s 1994 film Bullets Over Broadway.
However her notoriety wouldn’t stop there, her continued success in the film industry included starring roles in 1996’s controversial lesbian crime drama Bound by the Wachowskis, Liar Liar with Jim Carrey, and entered the Chucky horror franchise with Bride of Chucky.

Not sure how Tilly got the role in Bride of Chucky but I hope this wasn’t part of the casting couch.
Along with her successful film career Tilly has lent her voice to the animation world voicing Bonnie Swanson in Family Guy and voice work in Disney’s Monsters Inc. However nowadays she might be best known for her winning appearances on the World Series of Poker Tours.
Since 2005 Tilly has appeared on the World Series of Poker Tours, often with cleavage revealing low cut tops that many believe are used to distract other players. Whatever the case may be Tilly has been noted as saying:
“If people are really playing poker, they don’t care. Nothing looks better to them than a pair of aces. They’re not looking at your pair. They’re looking at their pair.”

PLEASE JENNIFER! Your gigantic GLASSES are very distracting. It is making it difficult for us to focus on your breasts..er we mean cards!
Either way we would love sitting across a poker table staring at Tilly’s pair, and as of 2014 her winnings from poker have exceed $890,000.
So to recap, Oscar nominated Actress, successful World Series of Poker player, and women of our dreams. Here’s to Jennifer Tilly!
Written by Editorial Staff