Category: Tech

4 Reasons Why You Look Better in a Selfie: The Science of Selfie Magic

Why do we look so good in our selfies, but can’t ever take a good regular picture? [E]ver since the creation

Oculus Rift Virtual Sex

New Tech Allows You To Have REAL Sex in Virtual Reality

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could have virtual sex any time you want? Recently a YouTube video came out

Computer Generated 10-Year-Old Filipina Girl “Sweetie” Causes Pedophilia Conviction

According to VICE news, Terre des Hommes is a Dutch advocacy group that helps to catch child predators. They set

How Soon Until We See Flying Cars on the Roads?

Living in LA I’ve always dreamed of being able to escape the traffic in a flying car. Those dreams are

Chinese Gold Digger a HOAX Marketing Tactic for an App Company

So last week a story about a Chinese gold digger popped up several websites, including NextShark, Elite Daily, Shanghaiist, and many

Vibrating Device Codenamed “Eva” Will Make Sure She Orgasms

As a woman I don’t always orgasm. My man usually does though. I don’t think that’s fair, but until now