Category: Men

Eddy Lee is One of LA’s Most Promising Asian Painters
Many Asian Americans harbor a dream more than the daily grind of a 9-5 job. Many of us dream of

White Girl Picking Up Asian Dudes In Sydney
Watch this video where this Australian Girl, Jess, is conducting a social experiment picking up “Cute Asian Guys” by speaking

“Chicago” MV by Jargon Dyonisis
Jargon Dyonisis is an Asian American rapper we’ve been following for quite some time. Previously we got an exclusive interview

Top 5 Things Asian Guys Can Learn From Aaron Kwok!
Read the Top 5 things all Asian guys can learn from the amazing Aaron Kwok. [U]ntil just recently, I had

How An Asian Guy Had Sex With The Hottest Women In Brazil
Thinking about a destination for a bachelor party? Keep reading and find out why Brazil is your top choice. Part

Jeremy Long Became a Pornstar to Prove Against that 1 Asian Stereotype
I‘m sure we’ve all noticed that Asian male porn stars are pretty much non-existent. What does this mean for us?

10 Incredibly Badass Asian Men (And What You Can Learn From Them)
There are many positive role models for Asian men. Who are they and what can you learn from them? In

Why Asian Men Are More Desirable Now Than Ever
In the eyes of the mainstream public Asian men have always had a bad reputation as not being attractive to women.