Category: Interesting

5% Of Men Have Had Sex With Their Vacuum Cleaners

Our favorite British Cam-Girl, Harriet Sugarcookie, put together an article discovering that 5% of men have had sex with their

All Hail Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach

It’s that time year again. Time to see each countries most beautiful women compete against each other for the title

How To Deal With Fuck Boys – Keo Necra Brings Us Dick Pic Diaries (Part 2)

Editor Notes: Our justice dealing import/fitness model neighbor from the north brings the 2nd part to her trilogy. Probably my

Otaku Dreams: Evangelion Lingerie

The Evangelion series is known as one of the most successful and well-known franchises in Japan’s anime history. But a

Think Twice Before Hitting on That Girl from Social Media

A web user from China posts up before & after makeup/editing photos up, and the results are pretty shocking. [T]his

Raunchy & Sexy Chinese Wedding Video Goes Viral

A well-shot wedding video has been making the rounds on the Chinese websites lately, mainly because the video contains some

Naked News Featured

Carli Bei of “Naked News” Bares All

[T]oronto native Carli Bei has been a permanent part of the nude news team at Naked News since April of

Inside Japan’s Latest Craze: Boyfriends for Hire

Vice always creates the most amazing documentaries. We’d hope one day that Amped Asia gets to make documentaries that interesting. In

Chinese Plastic Surgery

More Crazy Photos of Chinese Plastic Surgery

Asians love their plastic surgery, and this week we’ve got another batch of crazy transformations that have been going viral