Category: Interesting

All Hail Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach
It’s that time year again. Time to see each countries most beautiful women compete against each other for the title

Otaku Dreams: Evangelion Lingerie
The Evangelion series is known as one of the most successful and well-known franchises in Japan’s anime history. But a

Carli Bei of “Naked News” Bares All
[T]oronto native Carli Bei has been a permanent part of the nude news team at Naked News since April of

Inside Japan’s Latest Craze: Boyfriends for Hire
Vice always creates the most amazing documentaries. We’d hope one day that Amped Asia gets to make documentaries that interesting. In

More Crazy Photos of Chinese Plastic Surgery
Asians love their plastic surgery, and this week we’ve got another batch of crazy transformations that have been going viral