Category: Fitness & Health  

Meet Masako, The Most Youthful 49-Year-Old  Woman

There have been talks of the Fountain of Youth and one Japanese woman seemed to have found it!  Check out

Woman in China wins ‘Most Beautiful Buttocks’  Contest

A competition for the ‘Most Beautiful Buttocks’ in China took place in a shopping mall in Shenyang, a provincial capital

Horse Fat in Korean Facial  Beauty

There have been all sorts of methods used for skin care; one beauty trend in South Korea uses horse skin

You Won’t Believe This Cutie is Singapore’s First Female Pro Wrestler, An Interview with Alexis  Lee

Meet the sexy Singaporean diva taking the pro wrestling world by storm! Meet the next champ Alexis Lee! As I

Top 5 Things Asian Guys Can Learn From Aaron  Kwok!

Read the Top 5 things all Asian guys can learn from the amazing Aaron Kwok. [U]ntil just recently, I had

The 3 Muscles That Will Get You More Women (& Tricks to Train them  Effectively)

Let’s face it, a lot of guys work out to impress chicks. Fitness guru Mike Chang is here to show

Who’s the Next Great Asian MMA  Fighter?

What is happening with the next generation of Asian MMA fighters? Is there hope for the next great Asian Fighter? Read

Jeremy Long Became a Pornstar to Prove Against that 1 Asian  Stereotype

I‘m sure we’ve all noticed that Asian male porn stars are pretty much non-existent. What does this mean for us?

Vibrating Device Codenamed “Eva” Will Make Sure She  Orgasms

As a woman I don’t always orgasm. My man usually does though. I don’t think that’s fair, but until now