Category: Editorials

Gen-Z decries the “Asian Female White Male” Pairing

In recent years, we have seen a steady rise in Asian representation in mainstream media. However, the increase in representation

Asian Fetish & “Yellow Fever” Is Bad, a Follow-Up Essay

Author Cindy Young discusses her last piece on White guys and yellow fever and the backlash she received after publishing

This Asian Girl Pays Her Tuition By Selling Her Panties and Being a Virtual Girlfriend

This article was originally written for the March 2015 issue of Amped Asia magazine. It’s been republished today for your

Why Do White Guys Love Asian Girls So Much? A History of Yellow Fever

Disclaimer: This article is the opinion of a single author, and doesn’t necessarily represent the viewpoints of Amped Asia magazine.

I Use Men for Money and Never Have Sex With Them, I’m a “FinDom”

Editor’s Note: We’re revisiting this article, which was one of the most viral hits on our website 4 years ago.

I was a Korean Sex Slave

I Was a Korean Sex Slave

Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, the author chooses to remain anonymous. Some details were changed. [I]’m not

Asian Men Are Still Taking “Ls” in Crazy Rich Asians

(Minor spoilers ahead). I want to preface this negative review with some positivity. Crazy Rich Asians is a great movie

Jessica Weaver: Last Year’s April Fools Video

Hopefully, you’ve realized by now that this was an elaborate April Fool’s joke. Amped Asia will still remain all about


Recently an article entitled “Sorry Asians, my Blackness is Not your Counterculture,” began making the rounds on the interwebz and