Category: Blog

Let’s Help A Brother Out! Chloe Kim Say Yes To His Promposal
We’re reboosting this one from the good folk at NextShark. Christopher Luk, a senior from New Jersey’s Manalapan High School

Oun Siray Bikini Launch
Can this new bikini line created by Siray Kong succeed? We think it can! We attended the launch and took

Famous Chinese “Rooftoper” Falls to His Death Trying to Earn Money to Marry His Girlfriend
Sometimes when we’re in a death-defying situation it makes us feel alive. Humans are weird. For 26-year-old adrenaline junkie, Wu Yongning,

Recently an article entitled “Sorry Asians, my Blackness is Not your Counterculture,” began making the rounds on the interwebz and

Who wants to see an adult version of Kamen Rider? We do. Check out Gun Caliber and Strega!
A month ago I get an email late at night while out with my friends. I get this link –

Filipina Model’s Old Tweets Revealed Her Discrimination Against Asian Men
Lily May Mac is an Australian Filipina model with over 3 million followers on Instagram. Her social media following contributed

Marvel’s Ironfist Is The Netflix Series Fans Do Not Want
Marvel releases its fourth series on Netflix, Iron Fist, and early reviews for it aren’t looking good. Released on March

What Is 88Rising? Time To Get Oriented
You’ve probably seen this Indonesian teenager audaciously rap, Rich Chigga. Seen the master of the Midi, Shawn Wasabi, mash on