Category: Blog

The 76 Year Old Chinese Bodybuilder Who Shames Us All
We all are destined to get older, but this Chinese senior citizen proves that aging doesn’t mean you get weaker.

Chinese Man Suffers Broken Penis While Watching Porn…ON HIS SCOOTER
If texting while driving wasn’t unsafe enough, a Chinese man ups the ante by watching porn while cruising on his

WATCH As Middle Aged Beijing Auntie Lays The Smackdown On Bus Passenger!
No need to turn on WWE when we have a Royal Rumble happening on the buses of Beijing! Check out

The Chinese Model With LEGS That Are Making EVERYONE Jealous in China
This Chinese model is the talk of the town with her luscious long legs. Take a look! We love us

Aviation ASS KICKERS! These Sexy Chinese Flight Attendants Are Ready For Takeoff As Well as Taking YOU DOWN!
These sexy flight attendants are ready for take off as well as taking down any would be evil doer! Read

Asian Girls Make Everything Better: 12 Pics That Prove It
Everybody loves an Asian girl. No it is not just some statement for an overpriced t-shirt at Urban Outfitters, it’s

8 Selfies That Prove Asian Girls Do It Better
The selfie is a hallmark of the social media age, and who does it best? Why sexy Asian girls of

Who Watches The Most Porn At Work? China
Who is getting the most pleasure at work? Well it’s the Chinese who watch the most porn while on the

10 Sexy Asian Girls To End The Week Right!
After a long hard week, what better way to relax than with some sexy Asian girls? You work hard, you