Amped Asia

Asian Women Smuggled Suitcase Made of Cocaine

Smugglers usually hide their illegal items, but not for this Southeast Asian woman.


She was arrested at Pudong Airport in Shanghai for smuggling a suitcase made of cocaine.  It was partially made of 10.19kg (22 pounds) worth of cocaine.


During the security check, the x-ray machine detected something suspicious.  The suitcase had showed up with a strange darker color.


The officers emptied the suitcase, but realized it was much heavier than expected.  An officer could not carry this suitcase with one hand.  That’s when the custom officials took the suspicious suitcase for a drug test, where it came out positive for cocaine.



The suitcase contained 10.19kg (22 pounds) of cocaine; the substance was mixed by using an injection method.


The officer described this suitcase as “custom-made” and that the “shell is made of plastic pellets and cocaine powder”, which was created by using a method called “injection molding”.


This is the first time someone has been caught smuggling drugs into China with this technique.


China’s laws are strict regarding drugs.  Those caught with drugs will have to attend a mandatory rehabilitation center that is run by the government, and drug criminals would typically receive the death penalty.



(Source: NextShark)

Written by Jenn