Holy Shit! Asian Girls Sure Look Hot in Rave Outfits

These girls are all about that bass. Check out the hot Asian girls of EDM!

[E]lectronic Dance Music or EDM as the kids call it these days is seeing an unprecedented revival in mainstream music. Once relegated to European discotheques and that weird guy in Jnco bell bottom pants, EDM music is now more popular than ever and has evolved into a worldwide phenomenon.

EDM attracts fans of all walks of life, but it is especially popular among the ladies. We’ve all seen them at raves, concerts, Burning Man, clubs, and all venues in between. Whether they are bass bunnies, dubstep divas, or gorgeous go go’s they make our jaws drop like the sick beats that draw us to EDM.

Especially the hot Asian girls of EDM! So enjoy our gallery of pics we have painstakingly collected of some of the hottest Asian girls of EDM!

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