Taiwanese Model, Anthia Mo Shares Three Reasons Why She is Girlfriend Material

Check out our updated shoot with Anthia Mo.

[A]nthia Mo is a Taiwanese model living in Boston. What stood out to the Amped Asia team is how this girl can be so incredibly sexy and also be a gamer girl who loves Call of Duty. If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get to play with her one day. Until that fateful day, catch our one on one interview with some sweet photos!

Anthia Mo


What is your ethnicity and where do you reside?

I am Taiwanese and I reside in Boston, MA.

Where do you live and what are 2 interesting & fun things you can do there?

I live in Boston, MA. I love it here because I am able to do two things I love the most: dance and model.

Photo by Darren Birks.

Do you have a day job? How do you pay the bills?

My current day job is modeling. I pay my bills with the shoots I book, and I also promo model at the nightclub.

What’s something you do that you’re ashamed to admit?

Singing at the top of my lungs when I drive. When I drive alone, I like to put on a good CD and jam out by myself. Sometimes I even listen to my boyfriend’s rap music and try to rap to it!


Bella Donna

Are you single or taken?
I am happily taken.

What’s your method of “flirting” with a guy?

Smiling and laughing at his jokes even if they are not funny.

Bella Donna

Bella Donna

What is the worst first date you’ve ever been on?

One time I went to the movies with this kid from high school. In the beginning of the movie, he put his arm around me. We were sitting so awkwardly and uncomfortably for the entire movie, he was also shaking and sweating! I was too nervous to move away, but I ended up sitting for 2 hours with this guy shaking and sweating on me. The whole time I was thinking, “Oh gosh, does this kid even use deodorant?” Lol, this is never going to happen again!

If a guy starts hitting on you, what kind of approach should he make for it to be at least mildly successful?

Not being too cocky. It really turns me off when a guy has too much confidence in himself. I like confident men, don’t get me wrong, but when they push it too far, it becomes annoying.

Give me three reasons why you would be girlfriend material?

I like being funny and cracking jokes. Making people smile is one of my favorite things to do. I am easygoing and I also love playing video games. My favorite game is Call of Duty. When I was first introduced to it I could not stop playing it!

Tony Grassetti

Tony Grassetti

Where would you want to be at age 40?

At age 40, I want to be able to have saved up enough money to go on at least 2-3 vacations a year out of the country. I love to travel and would be so happy if I could see other parts of the world.

Is there anything you would change about yourself Anthia?

Nothing. I have learned to love myself even with the flaws. Everyone is different, so you just got to flaunt what you got. Remember, confidence is sexy.

Antha Mo

She’s got a little junk in that trunk.

Want to see more of Anthia?

Anthia’s Instagram

Her Facebook Page


Written by Emma