What are Rochelle’s picks of the week? Basically I’m going to be giving a recommendation for a movie, a series, and a music track. My picks won’t be necessarily new, I’m going to look at everything and pick something that I personally have liked before. Then I’m gonna write a short blurb on it. This will be a great way to help you guys get my personalized recommendations because we know how hard it is to find a great movie/series or new music. Expect to see this article every Wednesday (so you’ll have ample time to get your movie ready to watch for the weekend with your significant other), but I might have to skip a few if I’m lazy or something.
Movie: Oldboy
Oldboy is one of the classic Korean movies that has become one of my favorites. I appreciate film, and while this movie has really perverse subject matter, the fact that it is such a great, deep film really makes it worth your time.
Series: Time Between Dog and Wolf
I don’t have much time to watch dramas anymore, but Time Between Dog and Wolf is a recent one that has stuck out in my mind. Besides being a huge fan of Lee Jun Ki, I felt that this series was really exciting and original.
Track: Chingu – Wonder Girls
While Wonder Girls’ last CD focused mostly on Irony and Tell Me, the track “Chingu” remained under the radar. However the track is a really beautiful one and actually showcases the girls’ vocal abilities. I love it.
Written by Editorial Staff