Amped Asia

8 Asian Celebrity Sex Scandals You Might Not Know About

Move over Paris Hilton you ain’t the only one with a sex tape out there. Read on to find out more.

[C]elebrity sex scandals have become an industry onto themselves. What were once considered potential career ending invasions of privacy and even shame for established stars has now become almost a right of passage for fame seekers trying to “earn” their 15 minutes of fame. Although most think of a night visioned Paris Hilton or pre-Kanye Kim Kardashian, the celebs involved in scandalous sex scandals also included Asians in the public eye.

No this isn’t Slimer from Ghostbusters, this is the heir to a multi-billion dollar hotel chain.

The lines have been blurred on what is an actual scandal and whether they are an embarrassing “leaked” tape that becomes a scandal, versus a home made porno intended for shameless viral self promotion. Fortunately it seems that this disturbing trend has died down in recent years as the public has grown more weary of attention whores trying to use old fashioned whoring as a means to become famous.

Unfortunately it didn’t stop before Screech decided to film a porn with a stunt cock.

With that being said here are some Asian celebrity sex scandals you might not have known about and surely some you did.

8) Hayden Kho/Katrina Halili

Dr. Hayden Kho, medical professional, duck face sex taping making amateur.

The first sex scandal hails from the land famous for saving the band Journey, stick fighting,  consuming embryonic eggs, and killing famed explorer Magellan. That’s right we are talking the Philippines baby! In 2008 a sex tape began surfacing online and onto bootleg DVD shelves across the Philippines starring handsome celebrity doctor Hayden Kho and actress Katrina Halili, who was voted FHM Philippines’ Sexiest Woman in 2006 and 2007.

Gentlemen START YOUR ENGINES! Your google images search engines that is….

Halili claims that the video was released without her consent and led to a lengthy legal battle between herself, Kho, and even a senate investigation by the Philippine government! At one point Kho’s mother even accused Halili of being a drug pusher extorting her son.

“Someone dressed like this was in a sex tape? GEEEETTTTTT OUTTTA TOWN!”-said no one in the Philippines ever.

Eventually Halili claimed some semblance of vengeance when her lawsuit against Kho led to him having his medical license revoked for “committing immorality and dishonorable and unethical conduct” as well as the government to pass anti-voyeurism legislation.

Another unspoken victory was making one of the only sex tapes we know of that apparently teaches you how to do the “Dougie.”

 7) Hoang Thuy Lihn

“Dear Diary, I have a crush on Hoang Thuy Linh..”

The teenage star of the popular Vietnamese T.V. series “Vang Anh’s Diaries,” Hoang Thuy Lihn had a blurry sex tape starring herself and her then boyfriend that spread across the internet in 2007.

Vang Anh’s Diaries, it’s kind of like the Vietnamese Saved by the Bell only at their “The Max” they served pho.

Hoang Thuy Lihn was only 19 when the sex tape began making the rounds online. Her public image at the time, was an innocent and virtuous high school girl persona that she portrayed on her hit show “Vang Anh Diaries.” This was a stark contrast to the steamy but blurry sex tape that outraged the mostly conservative Vietnamese audiences watching her show.

Either this is an excerpt from her blurry sex tape or she is severely losing her jiu jitsu match.

Unfortunately this led to her show being cancelled by VTV and a public apology made by Hoang in an on air farewell. She claimed to have made a “terrible mistake” and apologized to fans, family, friends, and teachers.

We are not going to make fun of a crying person, but if we did it might go something like “I knew that pho was going to be too spicy” or something along those lines.

At first it appeared a career ender for the young Hoang who unlike Paris Hilton was largely condemned instead of celebrated for her sex life being made public. However there is an upside to this story.

She became 2015 version of Carmen San Diego!

Like a certain chipmunk faced former Disney star we all know here, Hoang was able to parlay this change in public perception into a new “grown up” image. She shed her innocent teen persona for a sexy one that has been in high demand for fashion shows, television appearances and several entertainment opportunities. Furthermore this led to a shift in the way other Vietnamese actresses and entertainers began presenting themselves. Many began posting racier and envelope pushing sexy images of themselves online and thus challenging Vietnam’s conservative values.

By the looks of things we would say she bounced back pretty well.

 6) Nazril “Ariel” Irham

Oh good he took the Little Mermaid’s name AND fashion cues from WCW Sting.

Nazril Irham better known as “Ariel” was an Indonesian pop star who was imprisoned for three and a half years for appearing in two sex videos that were leaked onto the internet. Quite the harsh punishment for a sex tape considering that American sex tape celebrities like Paris Hilton barely spent a day in prison for the very real non-sex tape crimes they have committed.

The face you make when you realize you are about to go to prison with a bunch of REAL criminals, some in for murder, for making a sex tape.

Although this may seem like a huge injustice to many Americans, in Irham’s native country of Indonesia, his sentence was unfortunately considered light. In 2008 the conservative Muslim country passed a controversial anti-pornography law that allowed for those being prosecuted to face up to twelve years in prison for a variety of actions deemed unacceptable and obscene.

Making matters worse for Irham, one of the two woman  involved in the sex tapes was Cut Tari, a popular soap opera star who based on the timeline of events was actually married during the filming of the videos. After denying her involvement Tari eventually confessed that in fact one of the women in the video was her. This led to the possibility of Irham being further prosecuted for adultery, another crime punishable by the courts in Indonesia.

Apparently she made the final “Cut” of the film.

But perhaps the worst part of this story, is unlike many of the alleged “leaks” pseudo celebrities in the United States have claimed about their blatantly self produced smut, Irham’s personal data was leaked after his laptop had been stolen and not on his own accord.

Before he became Dramatic, Gopher was a shady IT guy not to be trifled with.

Irham was jailed, paid a hefty fine, and caused an outpouring of conservative Muslim rhetoric to criticize what would later be known as the Ariel Peterporn Tape Scandal. The latter of which is due to Irham being the former front man of an Indonesian rock band named Noah that was previously known as Peterpan. The conservative Muslim government even at one point began sending police to raid internet cafes and schools to check students’ cell phones to make sure sex videos were not being shared!

We highly suggest you not type in “Ariel Peterporn” into a search engine. We accidentally wrote “Ariel Peter Pan Porn” and ended up seeing a lot of fan fiction we wish to never speak about ever again.

So to recap Paris Hilton has committed crimes against humanity in the form of her movies, T.V. shows,”music” career, and even arrested for a 2007 DUI. The resulting punishment? Barely staying a day in jail. Nazril Irham has his laptop stolen and his personal information shared against his will on the internet and he gets imprisoned. There really is no justice in this world is there?

If the picture before this one wasn’t damning enough evidence, I suggest we test how flexible Cut Tari is and we will then know for sure.

 5) Chu Mei Feng

In a tale worthy of a House of Cards story line, Chu Mei Feng, a Taiwanese politician had a sex tape released of her and her married lover Tseng Chung-Ming by the act of a jealous former friend. The friend in question was Kuo Yu-ling, who installed a pinhole camera in Chu’s bedroom that recorded the affair she had with the already married Tseng.

Our first question is what is the point of framing a picture if you are NOT going to hang it up?

The tape was eventually sold to Taiwanese tabloids and even spawned a VCD (Video CD popularly used in Asia) that the Taiwanese public began buying like hot cakes.

Even better than this type of “Hot” Cake.

This resulted in Chu resigning from her post as head of the Hsinchu Municipal Cultural Affairs Department. I guess when the job titled included “affairs” Chu took it quite literally.

However eventually when the scandal died down, Chu re-emerged into the public sector as am anchor for Macau Asia Satellite Television and even published a biography.

Hopefully an Anchorman esque movie will be in her future down the line.

Her Linda Trip type friend was not as lucky and rightfully so. Although we don’t necessarily condone the infidelity practiced by Chu, we definitely do not support Kuo’s huge invasion of privacy and trust. And neither did the Taiwanese courts who sentenced Kuo to four years for violating privacy, morality, and theft and forgery laws.

4) Chua Soi Lek

His hand represents the exact number of people who prefer seeing his face in a sex tape. Including himself.

Dr. Chua Soi Lek was an accomplished Malaysian politician and appeared to be rising in the ranks of Malaysia’s political scene until a sex tape derailed all of that.

The good doctor held positions such as Minister of Health of Malaysia and member of the Malaysian Parliament for Labis, but is perhaps best known for the positions he took in his sex tape in 2008.

Getting caught red handed.

Chua Soi Lek is seen having sex with a much younger woman in a hotel suit who Chua described as a “personal friend.” If that doesn’t sound creepy enough yet, keep in mind Doctor FeelGood here must have been about 61 during the taping of his infidelity- liver spots and all.

I swear Chua, if that towel comes off I am OUTTA HERE!

The film is believed to have been recorded using hidden wireless cameras planted in his room unbeknownst to Chua who claimed no involvement whatsoever with the production of the DVDs containing this leaked footage that later flooded the market.

Calm down Chua, we believe you when you say it’s much bigger than what appeared on the tape. *eyeroll*

Chua later would resign from all his political positions and remarked that due to his dedication as Minister of Health, many of his political rivals began plotting his downfall resulting in the sex tape scandal.

Whether this is true or not, Chua decided to get his freak on even though he was a husband and father, a decision any politician knows is considered a more than risky move.

As the former Minister of Health, we really hope that finger has not been where we fear it has…

Chua eventually would re-enter the political spectrum to moderate success but was unable to reclaim the momentum prior to his sex scandal.

Stop begging us, we are not going to vote for you OR your sex tape to be nominated at the next AVN Awards.

3) Lei Zhengfu

If you ever wondered what Jabba the Hut would look like if he was Chinese… well there you go.

Rounding out our trio of politically themed sex tapes, Lei Zhengfu was formerly the Chongqing Beibei District Party Secretary in Mainland China before a sex tape released in in 2007 caused him to be sacked from this position.

As the Chongqing Beibei Distrtict Party Secretary Lei held the power to sign off on land lease agreements for prospective builders looking to do business.

And if Napoleon from Animal Farm has taught us anything is 1) never get into random vans and 2) “Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.”

The more we look at the pictures of Lei and the Manor Farm pigs.. the harder it is to tell the difference between the two…

A lesson that the corrupt Lei learned in devastating fashion. As the District Party Secretary Lei is believed to have taken in more than 1.3 million yuan ($500,000) in bribes along with trading political favor for sex bribes.

These sex bribes were used by many to curry favor from Lei who controlled distributing lease agreements for developers, one of which had often sent Lei women to coax him into signing lease agreements.

Weirdest Tinder match ups we have seen in quite awhile.

Lei more than willingly accepted these offers which would ultimately cause his justified downfall. The aforementioned builder who had pimped out women to sway Lei into his favor eventually taught one of Lei’s mistresses to secretly record their sexual encounters and use it to blackmail Lei.

We really wish for the sake of our eyes that the black mailed had continued indefinitely.

The video in question apparently remained hidden for three years prior to it being released, but once Pandora’s box was opened it meant the end of Lei’s political career.

It took only 63 hours from the video being leaked online by investigative journalists to eventually reaching over 20 million netizens and then the removal of Lei from his political position of power.

Now Lei, don’t give us those puppy dog eyes.

Lei was sentenced to 13  years in jail for his corruption, 10 years for Xiao Ye, the builder who extorted him, and two years for Zhao Hongxia, Lei’s mistress that appeared in the videos.

From start to finish this was one of the quickest political responses to prolonged corruption in Red China, but for many this came to little too late.

And for the poor woman on the bottom it was FAR too long before Lei came.

2) Edison Chen

Perhaps the Mcdaddy of all Asian sex scandals, Eddison Chen’s included perhaps the most impressive list of *ahem* “participants” in his 2008 sex scandal.

Whispy bangs be damned, he has bagged a lot of famous broads.

The Hong Kong based actor/rapper/terrible dancer had somewhere around 1,300 photos released online with at least six female celebrities, many of which had squeaky clean public images, after he took his hard drive to a computer repair shop.

(The bigger crime here is how abused and exploited dance.)

Some of the female celebrities Chen was caught getting it on with included Cecilia Cheung, Gillian Chung, Boba Chan, Candice Chen, Vincy Yeung, Mandy Chen, and Rachel Ngan among other weirdly named Asian women. A rumored sex tape was also believed to have existed but never surfaced.

Things got so bad they actually had to make a flow chart/sexual tree complete with Edison Chen at the top holding a camera.

Still the staggering quantity of photos mixed with the “quality of content created a major media frenzy which led to Chen stepping away from the limelight until the moral outrage died down. In fact in 2008 Google search rankings had Chen’s scandal ranked at number 1 in China and 3 in Taiwan. Pretty impressive numbers considering China’s population and love of Can I Haz Cheeseburger cats.

Don’t worry buddy, you will always be our NUMBER one search in our hearts.

However when Chen decided to return to the spotlight he apparently didn’t quite learn his lesson. In 2010 Chen was embroiled in another photo scandal, one that involved a 16 year old model named Cammi Tse whose lost phone had pictures leaked online of the two kissing and hugging. Furthermore texts retrieved from her phone revealed Chen had asked her to model school girl uniforms and swimsuits for him and that he even took Tse’s virginity.

Cammi for the last time we don’t care about the girth…

Although Chen is believed to have no involvement in the leaks, he clearly went above and beyond the call of duty in terms of getting celebrity booty, but did a pretty piss poor job of finding a trust worthy Geek Squad to fix his computer.

Something tells us what is happening out of frame is far more interesting than what is IN frame.

1) Miss Universe Anya Ayoung-Chee

Trinidad and Tobago stand up!

Look maybe we are just a bit star struck by the inclusion of Miss Universe contestant and Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008 Winner Anya Ayoung-Chee on this list. It’s not every day we get to watch amateur porn do investigative stories about a former Miss Universe contestant.

She is Chinese from Trinidad and Tobago and judging by this picture also 1/4 Smurf.

But here we are, the numero uno on our list goes to the threesome sex tape that Anya Ayoung-Chee, her photographer boyfriend Wyatt Gallery, and a hot friend that is often mistaken for Miss Japan 2008.

When your sex tape threesome has at least one legit Miss Universe contestant and someone so hot she is mistaken for a Miss Universe contestant, we would say you are off to a good start in getting our attention.

The story goes that Chee, a female friend, and her lucky bastard boyfriend filmed a particularly steamy night of passion that eventually was stolen from her boyfriend Wyatt Gallery’s laptop when he brought it in for repairs at a Trinidad computer shop.

Who knew this guy would be interested in watching celebrity porn? WHO KNEW!?

Unfortunately for Anya the incredibly raunchy sex tape was released online for the world to see. In an odd twist many believed that Hiroko Mima, 2008’s Miss Japan, was also involved, but was mistaken for Chee’s female friend. This confusion led Mima to be unwillingly involved in the scandal that she had nothing to do with.

Not the same girl guys. Not all Asians in sex tapes look the same ya racists!

Luckily many years have passed and most people have forgotten about the scandal. Chee continues her work as a model and Mima continues to distance herself and begrudgingly explain that in she is not involved in any sex tape…yet.

On a positive note Chee did manage to win the 9th season of Project Runway. And judging by that Zardos inspired snazzy outfit behind her we see why.

But there you go that’s our list. In order to make this not a completely NSFW article and devolve into some really questionable links if you wanna see these tapes you are going to have to look for them yourselves.

Honorable mentions:

Tiger Woods-Left this one out because come on, EVERYBODY has heard about this one. Although Asian his scandal was definitely less of an Asian American scandal and more of a crazy sport sex scandal. 

Tila Tequila-Honestly it’s a porn tape from the former Myspace star. Not a scandal.

Joanie Laurer-Not a fan of this tape by any means but we could see how many would get confused by this former WWE superstar’s sex tape being called “One Night in Chyna” as having something to do with an Asian sex scandal, but thank god NO! Also if anyone has seen it does X-Pac do the bronco buster in it?

Written by Editorial Staff

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