8 Asian Celebrity Sex Scandals You Might Not Know About

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3) Lei Zhengfu


If you ever wondered what Jabba the Hut would look like if he was Chinese… well there you go.

Rounding out our trio of politically themed sex tapes, Lei Zhengfu was formerly the Chongqing Beibei District Party Secretary in Mainland China before a sex tape released in in 2007 caused him to be sacked from this position.

As the Chongqing Beibei Distrtict Party Secretary Lei held the power to sign off on land lease agreements for prospective builders looking to do business.

And if Napoleon from Animal Farm has taught us anything is 1) never get into random vans and 2) “Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.”


The more we look at the pictures of Lei and the Manor Farm pigs.. the harder it is to tell the difference between the two…

A lesson that the corrupt Lei learned in devastating fashion. As the District Party Secretary Lei is believed to have taken in more than 1.3 million yuan ($500,000) in bribes along with trading political favor for sex bribes.

These sex bribes were used by many to curry favor from Lei who controlled distributing lease agreements for developers, one of which had often sent Lei women to coax him into signing lease agreements.


Weirdest Tinder match ups we have seen in quite awhile.

Lei more than willingly accepted these offers which would ultimately cause his justified downfall. The aforementioned builder who had pimped out women to sway Lei into his favor eventually taught one of Lei’s mistresses to secretly record their sexual encounters and use it to blackmail Lei.


We really wish for the sake of our eyes that the black mailed had continued indefinitely.

The video in question apparently remained hidden for three years prior to it being released, but once Pandora’s box was opened it meant the end of Lei’s political career.

It took only 63 hours from the video being leaked online by investigative journalists to eventually reaching over 20 million netizens and then the removal of Lei from his political position of power.


Now Lei, don’t give us those puppy dog eyes.

Lei was sentenced to 13  years in jail for his corruption, 10 years for Xiao Ye, the builder who extorted him, and two years for Zhao Hongxia, Lei’s mistress that appeared in the videos.

From start to finish this was one of the quickest political responses to prolonged corruption in Red China, but for many this came to little too late.


And for the poor woman on the bottom it was FAR too long before Lei came.

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Written by Editorial Staff