8 Asian Celebrity Sex Scandals You Might Not Know About

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4) Chua Soi Lek

Soi Lek

His hand represents the exact number of people who prefer seeing his face in a sex tape. Including himself.

Dr. Chua Soi Lek was an accomplished Malaysian politician and appeared to be rising in the ranks of Malaysia’s political scene until a sex tape derailed all of that.

The good doctor held positions such as Minister of Health of Malaysia and member of the Malaysian Parliament for Labis, but is perhaps best known for the positions he took in his sex tape in 2008.


Getting caught red handed.

Chua Soi Lek is seen having sex with a much younger woman in a hotel suit who Chua described as a “personal friend.” If that doesn’t sound creepy enough yet, keep in mind Doctor FeelGood here must have been about 61 during the taping of his infidelity- liver spots and all.


I swear Chua, if that towel comes off I am OUTTA HERE!

The film is believed to have been recorded using hidden wireless cameras planted in his room unbeknownst to Chua who claimed no involvement whatsoever with the production of the DVDs containing this leaked footage that later flooded the market.


Calm down Chua, we believe you when you say it’s much bigger than what appeared on the tape. *eyeroll*

Chua later would resign from all his political positions and remarked that due to his dedication as Minister of Health, many of his political rivals began plotting his downfall resulting in the sex tape scandal.

Whether this is true or not, Chua decided to get his freak on even though he was a husband and father, a decision any politician knows is considered a more than risky move.


As the former Minister of Health, we really hope that finger has not been where we fear it has…

Chua eventually would re-enter the political spectrum to moderate success but was unable to reclaim the momentum prior to his sex scandal.


Stop begging us, we are not going to vote for you OR your sex tape to be nominated at the next AVN Awards.

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Written by Editorial Staff