6) Nazril “Ariel” Irham
Nazril Irham better known as “Ariel” was an Indonesian pop star who was imprisoned for three and a half years for appearing in two sex videos that were leaked onto the internet. Quite the harsh punishment for a sex tape considering that American sex tape celebrities like Paris Hilton barely spent a day in prison for the very real non-sex tape crimes they have committed.
Although this may seem like a huge injustice to many Americans, in Irham’s native country of Indonesia, his sentence was unfortunately considered light. In 2008 the conservative Muslim country passed a controversial anti-pornography law that allowed for those being prosecuted to face up to twelve years in prison for a variety of actions deemed unacceptable and obscene.
Making matters worse for Irham, one of the two woman involved in the sex tapes was Cut Tari, a popular soap opera star who based on the timeline of events was actually married during the filming of the videos. After denying her involvement Tari eventually confessed that in fact one of the women in the video was her. This led to the possibility of Irham being further prosecuted for adultery, another crime punishable by the courts in Indonesia.
But perhaps the worst part of this story, is unlike many of the alleged “leaks” pseudo celebrities in the United States have claimed about their blatantly self produced smut, Irham’s personal data was leaked after his laptop had been stolen and not on his own accord.
Irham was jailed, paid a hefty fine, and caused an outpouring of conservative Muslim rhetoric to criticize what would later be known as the Ariel Peterporn Tape Scandal. The latter of which is due to Irham being the former front man of an Indonesian rock band named Noah that was previously known as Peterpan. The conservative Muslim government even at one point began sending police to raid internet cafes and schools to check students’ cell phones to make sure sex videos were not being shared!
So to recap Paris Hilton has committed crimes against humanity in the form of her movies, T.V. shows,”music” career, and even arrested for a 2007 DUI. The resulting punishment? Barely staying a day in jail. Nazril Irham has his laptop stolen and his personal information shared against his will on the internet and he gets imprisoned. There really is no justice in this world is there?
Written by Editorial Staff