8 Asian Celebrity Sex Scandals You Might Not Know About

Move over Paris Hilton you ain’t the only one with a sex tape out there. Read on to find out more.

[C]elebrity sex scandals have become an industry onto themselves. What were once considered potential career ending invasions of privacy and even shame for established stars has now become almost a right of passage for fame seekers trying to “earn” their 15 minutes of fame. Although most think of a night visioned Paris Hilton or pre-Kanye Kim Kardashian, the celebs involved in scandalous sex scandals also included Asians in the public eye.


No this isn’t Slimer from Ghostbusters, this is the heir to a multi-billion dollar hotel chain.

The lines have been blurred on what is an actual scandal and whether they are an embarrassing “leaked” tape that becomes a scandal, versus a home made porno intended for shameless viral self promotion. Fortunately it seems that this disturbing trend has died down in recent years as the public has grown more weary of attention whores trying to use old fashioned whoring as a means to become famous.


Unfortunately it didn’t stop before Screech decided to film a porn with a stunt cock.

With that being said here are some Asian celebrity sex scandals you might not have known about and surely some you did.

8) Hayden Kho/Katrina Halili


Dr. Hayden Kho, medical professional, duck face sex taping making amateur.

The first sex scandal hails from the land famous for saving the band Journey, stick fighting,  consuming embryonic eggs, and killing famed explorer Magellan. That’s right we are talking the Philippines baby! In 2008 a sex tape began surfacing online and onto bootleg DVD shelves across the Philippines starring handsome celebrity doctor Hayden Kho and actress Katrina Halili, who was voted FHM Philippines’ Sexiest Woman in 2006 and 2007.


Gentlemen START YOUR ENGINES! Your google images search engines that is….

Halili claims that the video was released without her consent and led to a lengthy legal battle between herself, Kho, and even a senate investigation by the Philippine government! At one point Kho’s mother even accused Halili of being a drug pusher extorting her son.


“Someone dressed like this was in a sex tape? GEEEETTTTTT OUTTTA TOWN!”-said no one in the Philippines ever.

Eventually Halili claimed some semblance of vengeance when her lawsuit against Kho led to him having his medical license revoked for “committing immorality and dishonorable and unethical conduct” as well as the government to pass anti-voyeurism legislation.


Another unspoken victory was making one of the only sex tapes we know of that apparently teaches you how to do the “Dougie.”

Written by Editorial Staff

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