Let’s face it, a lot of guys work out to impress chicks. Fitness guru Mike Chang is here to show you 3 muscles that will attract the most women. This is a guest post from Mike Chang, the #1 fitness guru on YouTube.
[H]ey man, Mike Chang here from the #1 fitness channel on YouTube. You might know me from some of my workout and nutrition videos. Or you might have seen me on television, the radio or stumbled across me in a magazine you were reading.
However, today is not about whether you know me or not. Today, I’m going to share the 3 muscles that make women want Asian guys most. And no, I didn’t just pull these 3 muscles out of thin air.
These muscles are straight from the research done on Men’s Health, AND from my personal experience with women.
Because I want to make something clear. I’m not a pick up artist or anything like that. I’m just a normal Asian dude that let’s his body do the talking to the ladies… and that’s simply due to the fact that it works.
Now, first of all I was pretty excited when I found out that I would be writing for Amped Asia – specifically because I truly appreciate that I get the chance to talk to guys like me that may have struggled with the persecution I faced growing up.
And a recent Columbia University study showed that 93% of all woman see Asian men as “undatable.” That makes Asian males less desirable than EVERY SINGLE other race…
And check out this quote from a recent study that looks into if women value ethnicity over how much MONEY a guy makes… It said, “Asian men would need, remarkably, an additional $247,000 in additional annual income.” Now that’s just for women to possibly want him more than other men. That just doesn’t seem fair.
Well, me personally, I’m sick and tired of getting discriminated against like this. But it gets even worse than that…
Another study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships said, and I quote – “Asian males tend to be constantly depicted in the media as sexually undesirable…”
And to top it off, the study went on to say that even Asian females prefer to date males that are non-Asian.
So I’m happy to be here sharing this information with you, with the hope that I can help you in my area of expertise… fitness.
You probably have come across general fitness advice that’s for “all men and women,” that helps “improve general health” or finish a useless 5K race.
But my approach to working out is different because my goal with working out is to get myself a body that gets maximum attraction from women and maximum respect from men – with minimum gym time.
Let’s be honest… You don’t want to spend your life in the gym. You just want to know how to get a body that will attract women and make guys respect you in the shortest possible amount of time.
To do this, you can’t use conventional training. So rather than just doing the same workouts everyone else does, you need to find out what type of body a woman REALLY responds to and design your workouts to build that body.
Here are the most important muscle groups that will attract women, along with a few simple exercises that you can add to your routine to develop each one. This is based on a survey of women done by Men’s Health, and I can also confirm this from my real world experiences.
#3) Powerful Forearms
Deadlift Technique To Build Your Forearms
It’s the most exposed muscle on the body so women see them a lot. Now, I don’t know if working them out non-stop is going to get you any woman you want. However, I can say with absolute certainty that this muscle isn’t as effective as #1… but it will still help a bit.
Tips To Get Powerful Forearms
- Use Thicker Grips. Bodybuilding.com said, “as barbell thickness increased, so did neuromuscular response.” This means that using a different kind of grip will cause your body to respond and build muscle as a response to the change. For example, changing the grip when you do bicep curls will increase the way your muscles respond by activating your forearms to build more muscle. How do you do it?
- You can simply buy grips that you attach to the bar (the best known brand is Fat Gripz.)
- Or you can take advice from Men’s Health and “ Simply wrap a towel around the bar” or dumbbells for added thickness.
- Do More Deadlifts.
- According to bodybuilding.com, not only do deadlifts activate every single muscle in your arm… but, “The forearms, in particular, are worked tremendously.”
#2) A Nice Butt
Yes guys… women can be shallow too. It increases their physical attraction to you, which “flips a switch” in their minds to see you as a more tempting mate… you know, for sex.
Tips To Get A Better Butt:
- Use A Wider Stance When You Squat.
- An academic study done at the University of Padova concluded that a wider stance will activate more of the gluteus maximus.
- Do Barbell Hip Thrusts.
- Bret Contreras, trainer of Olympic and professional athletes said, “The move activates your glutes better than any other exercise, you can really load it up, and it’s completely safe.” So you can pack on the weight and see the results.
#1) Six Pack Abs
Insane Afterburn Cardio Workout
Don’t take it from me… here’s what Men’s Health had to say, “You could have biceps the size of bowling balls, but if you’ve got the beginnings of a gut, any discriminating woman will think twice before considering you boyfriend material. Their fear: A little excess midriff meat now means one fat, sloppy bastard in 10 years.”
Tips To Get Six Pack Abs:
- Do Fat Burning Exercises – Not Ab Exercises.
- Most guys turn to ab exercises when they are trying to get a six pack. However, the key to getting rid of the fat around your stomach and the love handles area is to do fat burning exercises… not ab exercises. Why? Well, because there is a layer of flab covering your abs… so in reality doing ab exercises can make you look worse if you still have a bit of fat to lose.
- Activate The Afterburn Effect.
- If you didn’t know already, the Afterburn Effect is your body’s ability to burn fat for up to 48 hours after your workout is over. And, it’s the most effective way to get six pack abs because you aren’t just burning calories during your workout… but, you are burning calories while you are sleeping, watching television, and even when you’re eating.
If you want to learn more about the Afterburn Effect:
Click here to learn the fastest way to get six pack abs.
Enjoy THIS free video.
Thanks for reading this guys, and I hope you learned something with this article.
Mike Chang
Written by Editorial Staff