10 Tips to Have More Sex in 2015

6) Read her body language.


Charm De La Cruz

A woman’s body language is a pretty good indicator of whether or not she will consider sleeping with you. If her arms are folded, she’s looking off into the distance, and her replies to your conversation are barely more than one-word answers, chances are she’s annoyed by your presence. So save your time and quit pushing it with a girl who doesn’t want to sleep with you; it’s not worth it to salvage the interaction with a girl who won’t even talk to you. If she’s making direct eye contact or leaning toward you, she’s into you. If she’s mirroring your body language, she’s paying attention to you. If she smiles, blushes, plays with her hair, or touches you on the arm or leg, you’re DEFINITELY headed in the right direction so keep on going!

7) Be direct.


Here’s a little secret: women love to be chased after. It makes us feel desired. For this reason, very few women will ask a guy out or make the first move on him. What often happens is a guy will be too afraid to let a woman know that he’s into her, so she assumes he doesn’t like her and she will move on to someone else… even if she’s absolutely crazy about that guy! What do you have to lose by telling a pretty girl that she’s gorgeous? That she won’t want to sleep with you? She wasn’t going to do that in the first place. But by letting her know, you’ve established a sexual foothold between the two of you AND you’ve made her feel like the prettiest girl in the room. Tell her how beautiful she is. Kiss her. Touch her in sensitive places like her lower back. Unlock the (bedroom) door for her and she’s more likely to come running through; leave her wondering about your interest and she’s only going to get frustrated.

8) Make women feel comfortable.


There are two major barriers to getting a woman to sleep with you: convincing her to come home with you in the first place, and convincing her to take her clothes off. That’s right, don’t assume that just because she came back to your place it’s a done deal. Here’s the thing, women have been told for hundreds of years that if they give it up, that makes them sluts, and that men are dangerous creatures. Give her a reason to come back to your place besides the sex. Something interesting, captivating. And once she’s there, don’t push too quickly to get her naked. Letting her settle down, have a glass of wine, and relax with you goes a lot farther than trying to fingerbang her in the doorway.

9) Become a master of foreplay.


This might come as a shock to a lot of men reading this, but less than 30% of women can orgasm through penetration alone. In fact, the majority of women orgasm during foreplay, not during sex, so mastering foreplay is going to increase your chances of making a girl scream your name all night. If you can give her an orgasm, you can probably get her to keep coming back to you for more. So how do you master foreplay? By asking a girl how she likes it. Women are great at faking it, and they’ll often do so during foreplay so the guy doesn’t feel bad. So don’t assume she likes it. Use your hands (and your tongue) to explore her body and ask her how it feels; if you ask instead of assume, she’s more likely to give you direction.

10) Get a passport.


You saw me mention trying new bars and clubs. You thought it sounded like a good idea to join a few social groups in your city. But what if you want MORE? What if you want to meet women unlike any you’ve ever seen before? What if you want to meet stunning, exotic beauties who are willing to sleep with you, no strings attached? Sounds pretty fucking awesome, doesn’t it? If you want to take your sexual game to the next level, you’re going to need a passport. Who doesn’t love gorgeous French femmes? Who isn’t into exotic Brazilian beauties? And what better place to meet these women than in their native lands? There’s an added bonus to meeting new women in foreign countries: as a tourist, these women know you won’t be around to bother them later, so they’ve got less resistance to passionate week-long flings.

For more personalized advice, email Cindy directly – cindy@ampedasia.com

How about another article? 10 Resolutions to Become a Better Dater in 2015

Written by Cindy Young

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