10 SHOCKING Photos of Korean Celebrity Plastic  Surgery

Kim Yoo Mi, Miss  Korea

kim yoo mi miss korea

Former Miss Korea Kim Yoo Mi looks absolutely gorgeous in the bottom left photo, but her school photos show that she’s gotten a lot of work done. I see a lot altered in the eyes and chin. Also she’s got a much sexier haircut. I do want to ask, what’s the point of being in a beauty pageant if your beauty is fake?

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Dasom of  Sistar


She’s a South Korean idol singer from the group Sistar. Her eyes have gotten a LOT bigger. Her chin is much sharper. Her nose looks slightly smaller as well. On a side note, anyone else notice how all these girls love having bangs when they’re younger?

Actress Kim Ah  Joong

Kim Ah Joong

Now we’re getting a bit scary. Massive facial changes. Her eyes are bigger, although she already had the coveted double eyelid. Chin & jawline is shaved. Nose is shaved quite a bit. She probably also lost a bit of weight as well.

What is the #1 most shocking transformation? Go to the next page to find out.

Written by Editorial Staff

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