10 SHOCKING Photos of Korean Celebrity Plastic Surgery

Before you marry a Korean woman, you’d better ask for her baby pictures. If they don’t look like her then run far away.

After all, you don’t want your kids to look like this do you?

(Editor’s note, the image below is fake. No more comments about this being a Chinese family instead of Korea.)


It’s no secret in Korea that plastic surgery is very common. In fact 1 out of 5 Koreans have some kind of procedure done. That extends to celebrities too. Korean celebrity plastic surgery is EXTREMELY common, especially since the pressure on celebrities to look amazing is even higher than for the average citizen.

In this article we’re going to highlight some of the worst examples and go from LEAST extreme to MOST extreme. Make sure to get to the last page to see our #1 craziest transformation.

So let’s start off with the relatively tame transformations.

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Singer Boa Kwon

boa kwon

BoA might actually be the hottest girl in Korea naturally, but she decided to go under the knife anyway… Not sure why. Anyways, her chin is a little sharpened and her nose looks a bit altered. Nothing major. BoA is sexy no matter what as long as she doesn’t mess with her face anymore.

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Na-Eun of A Pink

Son NaEun

Na-Eun is a sub-vocalist girl group A Pink. She’s pretty cute as a kid, but she’s definitely gotten some work done on her eyes and nose. Double eyelid surgery, plus her nose was thinned out quite a bit and shaped.

Goo Hara of Kara

Goo Hara of Kara

Goo Hara didn’t make as many changes, but she fix her nose to be smaller. Her chin also looks a bit different as well. Eyes look pretty similar, but she may have gotten some eyelid surgery there.

Go to the next page to see a couple of pretty crazy transformations.

Written by Editorial Staff

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