Dr. Asian Rake is a dating consultant and a full-time professor at a top research university. Currently based in Singapore, he guides select clients to
improve their lifestyles. To learn more about him and his services and products, visit www.asianrake.com.
I’ve been racking my brain lately on whether there are any tips on attracting Asian women that don’t require mastery of the fundamental skills of attraction
and the social arts. And I’ve decided that there isn’t. So if that’s what you’re looking for, first master the fundamentals, which are body language and
positioning, vocal tonality, and most importantly, your mindset.
In the last article, I talked about the importance of having fun and how to start having fun no matter where you are.
While knowing what to do is helpful, it’s even better to understand WHY something works. That way, you can adapt it to different contexts, internalize it,
and make it your own.
In a very interesting book called, “Social Intelligence,” Daniel Goleman, author of the bestselling “Emotional Intelligence,” draws attention to some highly
illuminating research in psychology and neuroscience that helps to explain exactly why one’s “state” and “having fun” are necessary and so effective in
attracting women.
Incidentally, for those who have read my blog article on “How to Project a Sexual Vibe,” this also provides a scientific explanation for why sexual state
transference works so well. If you haven’t read it, go to my website and click on Best of the Blog.
When I first started coaching, I wondered why it was that even though I could give some random guy the exact same words I say to women, he could sometimes
still bomb miserably.
Even when he modeled my body language and vocal tonality, although the response was somewhat better, there was sometimes still something wrong.
He would still come across as too contrived, too fake, too insincere. His sub-communications betrayed him.
I came to realize that actually underlying all of the words, body language, and tonality was the bedrock foundation: Mental and Emotional State.
Whatever you are feeling at the time, she will eventually start to feel. If she does not like the feelings you are transferring to her, she will respond
immediately by cringing and pushing away.
This explains why I have seen naturals with lazy body language, sloppy tonality, and the most offensive words still manage to attract multiple women in mere
minutes. It was because of the principle of Emotional Contagion.
If a man is not feeling confident or comfortable or content, then he will very likely turn off whatever girl he is talking to regardless of his words, body
language, or tonality.
Written by Editorial Staff