Wanna know what the Sex Culture Festival in Guangzhou China looks like? Check out these pics.
A large percentage of the world’s goods are made in China. This includes toys and no we are not just talking about the Fischer Price or Hasbro variety. China makes toys for kids and adults alike so it should come to no know ones surprise that China would eventually be holding conventions dedicated to showcasing these products along with the world of the erotic.
The festival is a celebration of everything sex yet is somewhat of a contradiction in the land of Middle Kingdom where pornography and even nudity is often outlawed. However the festival held every year for the past 12 years has a bit of a different take on the matter.
Yes sex and sex paraphernalia are on display but the coordinators of the event have often used the convention as a way to promote a “harmonious society, quality of life, and health first.” Which is often done through sexual education seminars, AIDS prevention seminars, S&M demonstrations, and of course scantily clad ladies.
So the next time you are in Guangzhou China visit the Sex Culture Festival which normally kicks off mid May.
Written by Editorial Staff