Top 20 Asian Guys With the Most Swag

SWAG. It’s an indescribable quality, but when you see it, you know it.

It’s important to note that different guys have have different swag. Some guys have funny-man swag. Some have smooth swag (think James Bond) . Some have style swag (think Kanye West / P Diddy). Some guys have female attraction swag (Russell Brand).

And it’s not a popularity contest. While Ken Jeong, Aziz Ansari, and Jackie Chan might be funny and famous, those guys aren’t the type of guy we’re looking for. We’re looking for masculine role models that have traits that Asian guys should aspire to have.

We also tried to keep this list as varied as possible. We included several guys from overseas as well as Asian American guys.

And while this is not some comprehensive or definitive list, we think that it’s a pretty good list compiled by several different editors on Amped Asia.

So here they are – ordered by least swag to most swag.

Written by Editorial Staff

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